When you submit an article online in hopes of driving traffic to your website and/or blog you want to make it as SEO friendly as possible! The reason for this is simple, although people will likely view what you wrote at the article directories you also want to position yourself to attract search engine traffic as well

When you submit an article online in hopes of driving traffic to your website and/or blog you want to make it as SEO friendly as possible! The reason for this is simple, although people will likely view what you wrote at the article directories you also want to position yourself to attract search engine traffic as well. Simply stated if you do not optimize the content of your articles they will remain ‘invisible’ to search engines and you will not show up in any search results.

Here are 3 quick down and dirty tips you can use to make anything you compose for online distribution more SEO friendly!

Keyword Research

It all starts with selecting those keywords that have a very ‘connectable’ relevance to your content, this is where it all begins. By finding the right words that best describe what can be found in your content you are completing the first step in making your article SEO friendly! These words will be what people will use when searching online to find information like what your article will contain.

Keyword Placement

After accumulating a list of words applicable to the subject you are writing about you then designate the one word or phrase that best describes your article subject. This will be your primary keyword which you will place in both the title and first and last paragraphs of your article. Secondary keywords can then be sprinkled about your content placing them where they fit the most naturally within your content. Now these words will help people locate your articles sending you targeted search engine traffic which is the best you can get!

Keyword Density

The ‘density’ of the keywords you use should not be less then 1 percent nor exceed 5 percent as a rule of thumb. Using too few keywords will not give much relevancy to your article while using too many will get you penalized for keyword stuffing. Search engines view this as an attempt to deliberately draw more attention to what you wrote in an attempt to increase the search engine traffic you receive. Above all else when using keywords always be sure to use them in the most natural way since to do otherwise will make your article read strangely.

When you submit an article you of course want it to get noticed and read since this is the only way it will succeed in driving traffic to your site. Of equal and probably greater importance however is you also want to make what you wrote SEO friendly to attract as much free search engine traffic as you can!Plainly stated if your composition is not properly optimized with keywords as discussed above the search engines will not be able to find you. This will result in your articles NOT showing up in any search results whatsoever. Ouch! As you can see from the discussion above the steps needed to be taken to better position your articles for attracting search engine traffic are relatively simple. When you consider the volume and quality of the traffic you will attract, to not take these simple steps would be an act of lunacy, or something close to it!

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