Spanish train driver on crash: “I can’t explain it”

MADRID The driver of the train that derailed in northwestern Spain, 카지노사이트 killing 79 people, has said he was traveling at twice the speed limitwhen he approached a treacherous turn.

But, sitting uneasily before a judge, he waved his hands in front of his face and was at a loss to explain why he didn’t slow down in a courtroom video released by a Spanish newspaper Thursday.

“I can’t explain it,” Francisco Jose Garzon Amo said, shifting in his chair and looking around. “I still don’t understand how I didn’t see … mentally, or whatever. I just don’t know.”

The journey was “going fine” until the curve was upon him, he said. When the danger became clear, he thought, “Oh my God, the curve, the curve, the curve. I won’t make it.”

The edited video of Garzon’s appearance at Sunday night’s court session in Santiago de Compostela, where the accident occurred last week, was released by Spain’s ABC newspaper. Two court officials said the video appeared authentic. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the video has not been officially released.


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