How do you translate ‘snack’ into Afrikaans


Translate in afrikaans?

Translate in Afrikaans is vertaal

How do you translate the word surfing into a proper afrikaans word?

Translate internet surfing into afrikaans

How do you translate angel into Afrikaans?

Angel – engel in Afrikaans =)

How do you translate ’embassy’ into Afrikaans?

‘Embassy’ in Afrikaans is ‘ambassade’.

How do you translate ‘talk’ into Afrikaans?

“Talk” in Afrikaans translates as “praat.”

How do you translate ‘grandmother’ into Afrikaans?

Ouma is Grandmother translated into Afrikaans

How do you translate ‘rubbish’ into Afrikaans?

rommel is ‘rubbish’ in Afrikaans. You are welcome 🙂

How do you translate English to afrikaans?

Google Translate is okay, but not always accurate.

How do you translate lethargic into Afrikaans?

It is “lomerig”

How to translate English to afrikaans?

With a dictionary

How do you translate dinosaurs into Afrikaans?


How do you translate ‘role models’ into Afrikaans?

A role model is “rolmodel” in Afrikaans. Role models is “rolmodelle” in Afrikaans.

How do you translate ‘cheque account’ into Afrikaans?

‘Cheque account’ in Afrikaans is ‘tjekrekening’.

How do you translate ‘significance’ into Afrikaans?

The word “significance translates to “betekenis” in Afrikaans.

How do you translate the word ‘luggage’ into Afrikaans?

Luggage is called Bagasie in Afrikaans.

How do you translate ‘godmother’ into Afrikaans?

GODMOTHER in Afrikaans is actually GODMOTHER. It Doesn’t Change.

How do you translate contributes into Afrikaans?

The translation is dra

How do you translate drink in afrikaans?

its the same word

How do you translate beautiful into Afrikaans?


How do you translate the word ‘divorce’ into Afrikaans?

The word divorce in Afrikaans translates as skei or egskeiding.

How do you translate ‘muesli’ into Afrikaans?

muesli is pronounced and spelt the same in both English and Afrikaans

During spring the days become longer and it gets warmer In afrikaans?

Please translate the above in afrikaans

How do you translate ‘accountant’ into Afrikaans?


How do you translate ‘polyglot’ in Afrikaans?

It is “veeltalig”.

How do you translate ‘small’ into Afrikaans?


How do you translate animal from English to Afrikaans?

animal – diere

How do you translate ‘skyscraper’ into Afrikaans?


How do you translate ‘the answer’ into afrikaans?

Die antwoord

Meaning of ‘chuva’?

Chuvash translate to afrikaans

How do you translate ‘mama’ in afrikaans?


How do you translate ‘questions’ into Afrikaans?

‘vraag’ or its plural: ‘vragen’ vraag is the afrikaans way it means question

Translate the word Aitch bone in Afrikaans?

Ysbeen of stuitjie

How do you translate ‘wild’ into Afrikaans?

it stays wild

How do you translate ‘ouma’ from Afrikaans into English?

“Ouma” is the Afrikaans word for “grandmother.” Interestingly, it is also the Korean pronunciation of ” mother “.

How do you translate ‘lazy’ into Afrikaans?

lui (say: lay)

How do you translate ‘beautiful promises’ into Afrikaans?

wonderlike beloftes

How do you translate ”we are the world” into Afrikaans?

ons is die wêreld

How do you translate the Afrikaans word ”moed” into English?


What is halo in Afrikaans?

I looked it up on Google Translate and they said it was halo.

How do you translate ‘current account’ into Afrikaans?

It is “lopende rekening.”

How do you translate ‘pray’ into Afrikaans?

bid (say: bid)

What is cub in afrikaans?

If you search up Google Translate, then type in the word you want, chose your languages then click translate and your done

How do you translate a Health Snack to Spanish?

“Un bocadillo saludable”

How do you translate mixture into various languages?

Afrikaans: Mengsel -Pronounced (mehng-sil)

Translate the phrase to address in afrikaans?

omm iemand aan te spreek

Translate Thank You to Afrikaans?

Dankie or Baie dankie (thank you very much)

How do you translate ‘open country’ into Afrikaans?

wijd open land

How do you translate ‘Peace on earth’ into Afrikaans?

Vrede op Aarde

Translate the word address into afrikaans?

It is very similar to its English counterpart.”adres” is the answer.

How do you translate ‘going good’ in afrikaans?

Dit gaan goed.


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