Horse Racing Systems – The Midas Method 2.0 – A Review

The Midas Method 2.0 is one of the latest horse racing systems to cross my desk. It is the brain child Steve Gilruth who I have to admit I had not heard of until I read this system. What first struck me about this method was the somewhat over hyped sales page which talked of “It (the idea) hit me like a freight train traveling at 200 mph” and “I could hardly contain myself… I jumped into the air in sheer exhilaration…” This was almost enough to turn me off but I decided to take a look at the system anyway.

On reflection I am glad that I did not consign this to the file and forget stack. When I read it I was surprised, the Midas Method 2.0 which is in fact 2 systems which are based on a logical and sensible approach to making successful bets. The system has little to do with either form or statistics but relies upon another indicator to highlight potential winners and placed horses.

All the required information is provided in a 14 page straight to the point PDF document. The method can be used in one of two ways, ideally for the best results it is recommended you wait until the last 10 minutes before the off to place your bet. However, you can also adapt the method so that you place your bets just after lunch and still get a good return. In my mind there is no doubt that there will be some losing days using the Midas Method 2.0 but I cannot see why in the long term the method outline should not work and prove profitable. The joy of this method is that it will highlight some good priced winners and placed horses. By applying a sensible staking plan it is claimed that build up a good return on your bets.

As I said previously I thought the sales letter was over hyped and the claim that you can make over A�8,400 in just 9 days an unlikely claim. In addition to the Midas Method 2.0 buyers also receive 3 bonus systems, The Betting Forecast, The Top Weight and The Front Runner Systems. All of these are well worth study. It is a pity that promoters feel the need to over hype to such a degree because it could detract from what is a good reasonably priced method of finding profitable bets.

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