His visit will follow a weekend meeting of Arab League diplomats
official decision will be made by the Arab foreign ministers and the PLO executive committee,” he said. He would not elaborate further.
Israeli government officials had no immediate reaction.
Indirect talks involve U.S. officials meeting with one side at a time, and there are not any negotiations planned where Israelis and Palestinians are at the same table.
“Ultimately, we want to see the parties in direct negotiations and working out all the difficult issues that they must,” Clinton told reporters after meeting with Kuwait’s foreign minister, Mohammad Sabah al-Salem al Sabah.
An attempt to get indirect talks started last month fizzled when Israel announced a new Jewish housing project in east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as a future capital. That drew fierce criticism from the United States and led to the worst rift between Washington and its top Mideast ally in decades.
Since then, the Obama administration has sought to repair the damage with a series of recent meetings and 온라인카지노 speeches from senior officials, including Clinton and national security adviser James Jones.
“The Middle East will never realize its full potential, Israel will never be truly secure, the Palestinians will never have their legitimate aspiration for a state unless we create the circumstances in which positive negotiations can occur,” Clinton said.
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