Harf declined to say from which region of the world the threat had emanated, saying only that “security considerations have led us to take this precautionary step, as we do from time to time.” The State Department will provide further details soon, Harf said. The security of American embassies and other diplomatic facilities has recently emerged as a political flashpoint in the wake of the September 11, 2012 attack on a U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, that claimed the lives of four Americans, including then-ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. In the wake of that attack, Republicans accused the State Department of providing insufficient security for diplomatic personnel in Libya.

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Physical confrontations broke out early in Friday’s session. Associated Press television footage shows some eight people pushing and shoving in one scrum. Two people scuffled on the floor, while others tried to separate them. More than a dozen activists in bright yellow shirts chanted and waved signs on a nearby balcony, and several of them splashed water onto lawmakers below. A few water bottles were thrown into the fray.
We are the army of the Church of Jesus Christ (of Latter-Day Saints)! The show centers on two young Mormons sent off to Uganda. Andrew Runnels plays the model missionary. “He’s very self-satisfied, yeah, conceited,” offered Braver. “Now, I don’t know about that. I’d like to say he’s confident,” Runnels said, laughing. “I would say he’s very confident!” Josh Gad plays the misfit missionary: “He’s one of those people who everybody tends to call annoying,” Gad said. “He’s also a bit of an exaggerator. He has a tendency to lie about certain things.” Both scored Tony nominations for Best Actor! In fact, the show earned 14 nominations, including Best Musical. It’s the most of any play this season.
{“Book of Mormon”: Taboos broken, tickets scarce|We’ve had that in our back pocket.'” “So, how weird that? That all three of you were fascinated and thought it was a subject for musical comedy?” asked Braver|”Now, I don’t know about that|good luck scoring a ticket: “Who wants to see ‘The Book of Mormon’ tonight?” Everybody, it seems|”Hello, hello,

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