Finding the Elusive Horse Racing System That Gets it Right, Every Time
When you first take a look at placing a bet on a horse, it all seems so simple. Many of us start off choosing a horse based on its name or even something as simple as the jockeys’ colors or numbers. Those of us in the know realize that it is a science. To have success at horse racing you will need a horse racing system. Thankfully, there are a myriad of horse racing systems available on the market and many of them are very accurate.
If you have ever looked at any horse racing system, you will see that the primary aim of them is to concentrate on the use of handicapper odds. This is often the preference regardless of jockey, trainer, breeding, track, weather or any of the other variables. This means that concentrating solely on the handicap will result in an accuracy of about one in every three. Not great odds if you ask me.
If you couple the preferences of the handicappers and add that to the selection of a horse based on the variables listed previously, can you imagine what the result may be then? Not such a crazy idea, but it would mean that you would have to add your information on preference to the racing system of your choice and find the best outcome.
That’s where the false favorites e-book comes in. Using the directions of the false favorites e-book, you can create your own horse racing system based on the information and results that you compile. Not such a crazy thought after all? And, if you see a lot of winners, you may be on to a gold mine there of predicting winners, and go on to sell your information with the data as your own horse racing system. That elusive program that has the knack of picking winners successfully every time hasn’t been invented ‘s to say it isn’t your system?
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