Tuesday on “CBS This Morning,”Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, described the pontiff as “as calm and personable as could be” when he held court for on the plane|Dolan emphasized that the pope’s comments do not signal a change in church doctrine or Catholic ideology|My job is to present it as clearly as possible.'” However, “it could be a change in tone or emphasis,” Dolan said, explaining that thus far, the new papal leader has struck a “gentle, merciful, understanding, compassionate, tone|”They shouldn’t be marginalized|(CBS News) Pope Francis held a press conference that extended beyond an hour aboard his flight back to the Vatican on Monday and made unexpected comments signalling an openness to gay priests}

(CBS News) Pope Francis held a press conference that extended beyond an hour aboard his flight back to the Vatican on Monday and 카지노사이트 made unexpected comments signalling an openness to gay priests. The comments marked a dramatic departure from Pope Benedict XVI’s views — the former pope openly discouraged gay men from becoming priests.

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But in terms of this book, it’s about engaging in the very vocal and very excited fan base that has emerged around the characters in the @MayorEmanuel universe|Whether it’s signing books or selling T-shirts (a portion of which goes to an amazing youth writing program in Chicago), it’s been great to be able to meet the folks for whom these characters resonate|I’d been at the @MayorEmanuel Twitter feed for months, and as the storylines became more fantastical and more involved, I began to see backchannel discussion in the @ reply stream about turning the feed into a book|A day when you get to sit down and write entries about the Jessie White Tumblers, Jim’s Original Maxwell St|They follow the fictional narrative of the feed and fold in the non-fiction world that was influencing it and, as a result end up telling a nonfiction narrative of the actual mayoral campaign of Chicago, plus an extensive guide to the eccentricities of the city itself|Arriving at the idea of extensive annotations was the key to understanding how the book would work}

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