Troopers reported finding a half-empty bottle of bourbon in the back seat

FORT PIERCE, Fla. (CBS/AP) Former “Partridge Family” star and teen heartthrob David Cassidy has been charged with driving under the influence in Florida.

The Florida Highway Patrol says his car was stopped Wednesday evening for weaving and nearly causing an accident.

Cassidy told a trooper that he had a glass of wine at lunch and a hydrocodone pill after that. Troopers reported finding a half-empty bottle of bourbon in the back seat.

The FHP says Cassidy failed a field sobriety test and two breath tests. Cassidy posted $350 bail and was released from jail early Thursday.

Cassidy’s spokeswoman, Jo-Ann Geffen, told that the former teen idol admits he did take a pain pill for his back earlier in the day, and may have been tired from an early morning funeral he had to attend, but insists he was not drunk.

He is also disputing the results of the two breathalyzer tests he took at the time of arrest – in which he blew a 0.139 and 0.141 – insisting his true blood alcohol content was not properly measured, 부산출장안마 according to the report.

Geffen told the website that Cassidy plans to fight the charges, adding, “He would never jeopardize anyone on the road and he would not have been driving had he not had to go to a funeral … he’s never been arrested in his life before for anything.”

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