“Survivor: South Pacific” sees shifting loyalties

(CBS) Shifting alliances coursed through Wednesday night’s episode of “Survivor: South Pacific,” starting even before a sandbag toss on Redemption Island permanently removed yet another player from the game. (SPOILER ALERT)

Pictures: “Survivor: South Pacific”

In what appears to be a secondary theme of women power, Long Island teacher Christine sent retired New York detective Papa Bear (Mark Caruso is his real name) packing in the Redemption Island face-off.

And Christine’s former BFF – mortician Stacy Powell – got her torch snuffed for 카지노 슬롯 머신 게임 bearing more than her share of the tribe’s weight. So she will take on Christine next week in the Redemption Island duel.

In the immunity/reward challenge, two men and a woman from each tribe had to bear increasing weight on a pole across their shoulders. Keith, Dawn and Jim were the weight bearers for Savaii, while Brandon, Stacey and Albert performed the task for Upolu.

It all came down to Stacey and Dawn, and Dawn prevailed, sending Upolu to tribal council. Feeling vulnerable, Stacey stirred up trouble back at camp. She told Brandon that Albert, Sophie and Mikayla are in an alliance that does not include him. Bad move. That dude is freaked enough without this news.

Meanwhile, over at Savii, Ozzy gets tired of Jim’s constant strategizing and gets close to Elyse. Jim, meanwhile, joins Cochran, trying to build a voting bloc (with Dawn) to get rid of Elyse. Cochran would rather line up against Ozzy, but, hey, he plays the hand he is dealt.

Brandon continues to add to the Upolu drama, creeping out everyone with his endless apologies.

In the end, a woman has the last word – or, in this case, gesture. After the vote is read, Coach goes to hug Stacey, whom his team has just voted out, and she shrugs him off. There are some hard feelings there, for sure.

What did you think about this episoide? Discuss in the comments below, take our poll on who will win the game, watch next week’s episode on CBS and come back here for more commentary.

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