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“And when you stop taking it, it stops working,” she said
{U.S. working to bring new charges against freed Mexican drug kingpin|MEXICO CITY The Obama administration said Sunday that it’s working with Mexico to bring new charges against a drug lord who persuaded a court to overturn his 40-year sentence in the kidnap, torture and murder of a U.S|Michael McCaul, a Republican from Texas, said the appeals court’s decision to overturn Caro Quintero’s sentence was “insulting.” McCaul told The Associated Press that Caro Quintero is “a cold-blooded killer and he’s done 28 years.” He added that “it’s not a good sign for the new administration right now.” McCaul predicted a “negative impact” on U.S.-Mexico relations “if the Mexican attorney general doesn’t pursue additional federal charges or help with extradition.” The three-judge court said in a Wednesday ruling that Caro Quintero should have been prosecuted in state not federal court, and overturned his sentence|We believe that the judges will stick to the law,” Guizar said|concerns about Caro Quintero’s release|The Mexican Attorney General’s Office declined comment Sunday|”Fonseca Carrillo should already on the street|Also imprisoned in the Camarena case are Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo and Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, two of the founding fathers of modern Mexican drug trafficking, whose cartel based in the northwestern state of Sinaloa later split into some of Mexico’s largest drug organizations.
Pope Francis articulated his views “in a beautifully tender way … that while certain acts may be wrong … we will always love and respect the person and treat the person with dignity,” Dolan said. Dolan emphasized that the pope’s comments do not signal a change in church doctrine or Catholic ideology. Dolan explained: “Pope Francis would be the first to say, ‘My job isn’t to change church teaching. My job is to present it as clearly as possible.'” However, “it could be a change in tone or emphasis,” Dolan said, explaining that thus far, the new papal leader has struck a “gentle, merciful, understanding, compassionate, tone. That may be something that people find new and refreshing.”

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