3 with 42,000, boy band One Direction took the fourth slot with 41,000 and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes’ “Here” came in fifth with 35,000

(CBS News) John Mayer’s latest album has won a second week atop the Billboard 200 chart.

\ucf54\ud0b4\ubcf4 - \uc704\ud0a4\ubc31\uacfc, \uc6b0\ub9ac \ubaa8\ub450\uc758 \ubc31\uacfc\uc0ac\uc804The singer’s fifth studio album, “Born and Raised,” sold 65,000 copies this week to hang onto the No. 1 spot, according to Billboard.

John Mayer: Taylor Swift song “made me feel terrible”

This is Mayer’s first album to spend more than a week in the top spot on the chart, Billboard reports.

Adele’s “21” held onto the No. 2 spot, selling another 58,000 copies.

Regina Spektor’s “What We Saw from the Cheap Seats,” debuted in at No. 3 with 42,000, 카지노사이트 boy band One Direction took the fourth slot with 41,000 and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes’ “Here” came in fifth with 35,000.

Mayer’s music isn’t the only reason he’s been in the news lately – he also commented to Rolling Stone about Taylor Swift’s song “Dear John,” which many believe is about him (though Swift has never directly confirmed it).

He told the magazine the song “really humiliated me,” adding, “Because I didn’t deserve it. I’m pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do.”

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